The project
School Science Network is an educational project designed to stimulate the learning of natural sciences in school-level students.
We hold that school classes complemented with practical activities -typical of scientific research- and the advice of expert researchers, contribute to achieve an active and contextual learning, in students of all school cycles.
About us?
We are teachers, students, researchers and the community in general, interacting on social networks and the WEB.
Each project installed in a school is directed by the team of science teachers, UTP and Management, with constant participation and feedback from the entire educational community.
The general coordination of the project is in charge of @Red Científica Escolar, with the pedagogical advice of @Fundación Ciencia y Enseñanza .
What do we do?
Taking advantage of the digital connectivity that the pandemic has left us, we improve the flow of information in the school community, stimulating student autonomy, the participation of parents, teacher coordination, and efficiency in the administration of pedagogical resources.
In contact with the natural and social environment, students and teachers meet with parents and specialists from various areas to study science.
You can contact us at

Privacy Policy .
1. All personal information (such as names, email addresses, telephone numbers and others) that participants share with our website, social networks, and interactive platforms, is treated with absolute confidentiality, and is not shared, transferred or sold for any reason. To thirds.
2. Each time personal information is requested (in forms, surveys, online tests, and others), the user is duly informed so that they can unequivocally indicate their consent.
3. Our website, social networks, and interactive platforms do not contain software that can access users' personal information automatically. If necessary, the user must enter and send it, in accordance with the privacy policies of each corresponding platform.
4. Non-personal information, such as browsing data and web files, obtained through cookies, is protected under Ltd.'s privacy policy, which you can review at